
students in kinesiology class

赌博平台大全的运动即医学项目被美国运动医学学院(ACSM)认定为银牌级项目, 该组织发起了“运动即医学”全球倡议.

Credit: Penn State

READING, Pa. 赌博平台大全的“运动是校园医学”项目被美国运动医学学院(ACSM)认定为银牌级项目。, 该组织发起了“运动即医学”全球倡议. 获得认可的机构将于周三在ACSM颁奖典礼上获得证书, May 31, 在丹佛举行的美国运动医学学院年会上, Colorado.

校园运动是医学呼吁高校将促进体育活动作为健康的重要标志. 它鼓励将运动作为日常赌博平台大全的一部分,并为学生提供从事终身体育活动所需的工具.

银级称号侧重于为校园和社区提供教育机会. 银校区积极参与教育他人的运动是医学的解决方案,既治疗和预防长期疾病和疾病. Silver-level campuses must be engaged in at least three of the following: hosting classes that teach students the fundamentals of Exercise is Medicine on Campus; training students to educate campus community members on Exercise is Medicine and the importance of physical activity; conducting campus or community educational seminars on physical activity; and having university health care professionals educate patients on the importance of physical activity as medicine.

“With the help of Melissa Bopp, 十大正规赌博平台大全公园运动机能学副教授和运动医学协调员, and her students, Berks received bronze-level recognition in 2016. 在过去一年中增加了更多的活动,帮助达到了银级标准,” explains Helen Hartman, senior lecturer in kinesiology at Penn State Berks. “We are ‘going for the gold’ next year, 这需要与校内外的团体和组织进行额外的规划和合作.” 

“Everyone should be interested in ‘exercise is medicine.’ More and more people are leading sedentary lives, resulting in higher levels of cardiovascular disease, obesity, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, etc. 许多这些健康问题都可以通过锻炼来改善——这是一种比药物更好的“修复”.”

Berks' campaign is headlined by a week-long event, called "Exercise is Medicine Week,在秋季学期鼓励体育活动并概述该计划的目标. The week features various activities on campus including Yoga, Zumba, Tai Chi, martial arts and aerobics. 学生和教职员工可以根据一周内完成的活动数量获得积分,以换取水瓶或t恤. 运动机能学的学生还在校园健康博览会期间与健康服务部门合作,促进运动和健康生活.

赌博平台大全开设了几门课程,教授“运动即医学”的基础知识. In addition, 运动机能学专业的学生为校园教职员工提供一对一的培训项目. 这些培训课程包括有关体育锻炼的信息, 以及关于运动和健康之间关系的信息, exercise adherence and correct form.

运动机能学学生向参加各种运动机能学课程的学员和其他学员演示各种运动方式和正确的运动形式. 运动机能学学生还学习如何使用欧姆龙身体成分量表进行前后测试和评估, step tests, flexibility tests, and muscular strength and endurance tests.

Through the campus fitness assessment center, WAC4K (Wellness Assessment Center for Kinesiology), 运动机能学实习生对各种体育活动课程进行评估,并准备正确的举重和训练技术的信息和演示.

During Kinesiology Week, 演讲嘉宾访问校园,讨论与运动机能学和运动有关的各种主题. 整个学年,运动机能系还每天举办20分钟的WWAK(与运动机能学家一起散步).

运动机能学的学生把他们学到的课程带到社区. They have participated in the Guts & Glory Digestive & Wellness Expo at Penn State Health St. Joseph, the UGI Health Fair, and the UGI Health Summit, where they administered testing in body composition, posture alignment, and flexibility, and shared general information on exercise. In addition, 该学院通过FITT青年项目与雷丁健康系统合作, 在这个项目中,运动机能学的学生通过参与有趣的体育活动来帮助那些有肥胖风险的青少年.

欲了解更多关于十大正规赌博平台大全伯克运动的信息,请访问校园医学项目, contact Helen Hartman at [email protected] or 610-396-6201.